OMIK 2023 Great Shakeout Exercise

Hello fellow Hams,

OMIK has been registered to participate in the 2023 GREAT SHAKEOUT Exercise on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10:19am. (your local time). Set a calendar reminder. We will have a simulated Emergency Communications Drill during our OMIK Digital Net on XRF295A at 5:00pm Pacific time. When you check in, you will be asked to give a report as if you actually felt a strong earthquake. See attached SHAKEOUT EmComm Drill instructions.

You are also asked to send in a "Did You Feel IT?" (DYFI) report at any convenient time on Oct. 19, 2023.  Please follow the attached DYFI instructions. 

I hope OMIK gets a great participation in both exercises. Let me know if you have any questions.

-- 73

Carolyn O. Burleson (K6COB)

LAFD ACS - 11-268  




Attachments:  EARTHQUAKE_DYFI_OMIK.pdfOMIK SHAKEOUT EmComm Drill.pdf